Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Humm in uh humm in uh

so 2010
just around the bend
wow - interesting year
this last one
not quite clear

but alas
working for me
been pleasent
quite present
but for others
quite bleek

Sometimes I feel quite pathetic, lonely, out of shape, hungry, thirsty, passionate, tired, jittery, bright, dancey, hopeful, present, dizzy, passionate, lonely, inspired, hot, small, hungry, fat, dancey, enlightened, confused, in shape, stiff, perfect, achy, depressed, elated, hopeful, cynical, cynical, cynical, trusting, hopeful, stirred, passionate, fat, passionate, lonely, lonely, hot, hopeful, inspired, present, pathetic, lonely, out of shape, hungry, thirsty, passionate, tired, jittery, bright, dancey...
What about you?

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