Photographing weddings is personal and emotionally amazing to me.
I've done my share and frankly it is not something I seek out but when a long time friend asks - you do it. I have found though that regardless if it is a friend or just a client - weddings tend to kick me in the gut a little to witness. I cannot help but feel the ache and desire of having my own partner in life...oh well....
I haven't even seen her in years but she asked if she could hire me to photograph a celebration of her union with her new love Adam and I was honored to do it....As I told her - I prefer not to get paid for photographing or videotaping weddings of friends - in case it all looks like crap....and I don't do like - traditional wedding albums or editing but I can comfortable document extremely personal happenings and hand it all to you for you to do as you wish...
(Ashley did btw give me permission to post and blog about this....)
Seena doing makeup and lightening the moment.
Ashley and Dad.
Ashley and mom.
Ashley and Adam's event was easy to cover - beautiful setting - beautiful people with a red, white and black theme and LOTs of smiles, great food .
Her sister Kim prepared the food - it was delicious and she did not stop moving except for one family photo.
Brother in law Sammy - made a special tequila drink
I adored watching her mom and husband dance and sing to each other.
Lets just say there was No Parking on the Dance Floor.
Family, great friends - personal day.
I'm happy for them. REALLY!