I'm on a year long contract with ETV coordinating the public awareness campaign with DHEC on pandemic influenza. Two words you don't wanna hear together. An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a flu strain that may or may not yet exist. The bird flu or Avian flu is a virus that if evolved from being a bird to bird virus and became passed easily from human to human could became a pandemic or world wide illness. Prevention and preparation will be key to weathering this health crisis when and if it comes. There have been 3 pandemics in the last century occuring about every 30 years and we are about due again.
We interviewed experts across SC that include health care, community, educational and emergency management leaders on the subject of pan flu. A 30 minute information video "Pan Flu. Prepare. Prevent. Plan Now." will air Feb 19th at 9pm on ETV that features the experts and 2 hosts.
I'll keep you posted about this issue and about what the general public can expect. (I'll let you know if we think it's coming!)
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