Sunday, January 27, 2008

John Edwards and K politics

Got to shake John Edward's hand Fri before SC primary.
He is so freakin likable and handsome and perspicacious. He talks on a level that most anybody can relate to.
OK. So I voted and it was a very interesting sensation standing there at the booth (only voter there at the Devine St Fire station @ 2ish.) and I was undecided up until the moment I pushed the screen. Kellane and her friend Emily were beside me. Kellane had reminded me earlier after I was gushing over Edwards that this was the first chance I had to vote for a non-white male for president. Yep. Check.
I am just so thrilled to have 3 people that I like to vote for.
After a lot of thought I voted based upon the most important thing to me right now that the USA needs to change.
For me it is the war in Iraq and our general propensity for nation building and dependence on oil. Hillary supported the war - Barak did not. Even if she supported it under false pretenses, it was and still is a tragic and costly decision for those surviving there and for the US to have waged it. Peace is fundamental in all corners of the world. In the case of Iraq and so many other nations we have failed as catalyst for peace lately.
I believe poverty is our biggest national threat.
I voted for Obama and was proud to select the name of a black man for president of the United States. What an opportunity to have an incredible role model for all the men of color in our country that have yet to live up to their potential because of THE MAN trying to keep them down. It is time for the pendelum to swing But it ain't gonna be easy. I predict it may be more difficult than we expect. Now we must MAKE SURE that real change happens.

K Politics (refers to the Kornegays & Kanefts)
Celebrated my mom's (Meems) 74th birthday. The family was together and of course we jetted to the discussion of politics.
The votes of the family members present:
4 Obama
1 Ron Paul
1 Edwards
2 McCain
1 Huckabee

Very spirited conversation and good arguments all the way around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who voted for Paul? I thought about doing just that, but ended up voting for Hillary. I wasn't born a Gemini for nothing. Both Barack and Paul send the "change" message loud and clear - especially in regards to the war. In the end, however, I felt that Hillary could hit the ground running, and might have a better plan for getting out of the war without colossal backlash. Have I thought twice about that vote? More than twice. Can't wait to see what happens Tuesday!