Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Thanksgiving for us Kornegays is always interesting. Starting around 1990 my mother "Meems" began a tradition of having some sort of entertainment or game or crazy stunt on Thanksgiving day. Of course we always have the traditional fare of turkey, dressing, rice and gravy, multiple dishes of vegetables, casseroles, fresh baked bread, sweet tea a selection of deserts and usually a bottle of wine.
The first time meems dressed up as a pilgrim we thought it was interesting and funny. She did a Pilgrim Rap that year ( we got a repeat this year) and everyone had to perform something. The kids did a play, there were poems and readings. I think I sang the blessing.
Another unfortgettable year meems made paper turkey targets and dad brought over his bb gun and we had target pracitce in the back yard. Good times. Lots of laughter and silliness.
Over the years we usually have at least one or more guests at our table. This year it was just us but missing Lori and Peter greatly.
Our thanksgiving prayer is always thoughtful and genuine. We are truly a blessed family in so many ways. Thinking of those not with us or the suffering. It seems sometimes that even though my dad is not physically with us we almost forget he is not there cause his presence is so strong.
Click the title for the video clip - mostly for Lori and Pete but is too funny not to share! (at least we think it's funny!)

1 comment:

Peter & Lori said...

We loved the rap and the funny story. We missed having Thanksgiving with you but this is the next best thing. Already looking forward to 2007.